What if I had just been quiet?

What if I hadn’t told a soul?

What if I had kept all the hurt and pain inside and let it take its toll?

What if I had told no one?

Just took it all in stride.

I mean, it’s just church, right?

It’s not like anyone died.

Would it have been so bad to just let it go?

To walk away, never look back, and never let anyone know

Would they still talk to me?

Would they pretend that it was all good?

But even if they did, I don’t know that I could…

Pretend that it never happened. Pretend that it’s all ok.

It’s just not how I’m wired, and I’m afraid that’s how it will stay.

You see, all those things did happen. Every word I said was true.

The preacher was abusive, and you will someday see it too.

I could’ve just been quiet and never made a peep

And then you could just play innocent and never lose any sleep

But now that you know, Now that you’ve heard

Because you know I haven’t minced my words

Will you pretend it never happened?

Will you think that you’re in some way better?

Will you keep going to church and say, “Just forget her”?

I could have been quiet.

It’s true that I could

But it wasn’t what I chose to do. Did you think that I would?

It's not as if you didn't know me. In fact, you knew me for years,

But then you turned your back on me when you didn't want to hear.

What if I told you that in the middle of the storm

There were moments I wished I had never been born

They said that they loved me, and my friends they would stay

But then, for no apparent reason, all three walked away

Those times were hard. The pain I felt was real

And it felt like maybe I would never heal

I bet you think, “Why wouldn’t they walk away after she’s said all this stuff,

Why would we be friends with her when she made such a fuss”

But let me remind you so that you don’t forget

What they did happened long before I ever started this

The blog came after the friends walked away

I just told my story after I knew they wouldn’t stay

Remember, control the narrative is what I was told

And in the beginning, I didn’t feel as bold

It took me a while to find my voice

And when I did, I didn't have a choice

But to say what I felt and let it all out

But don't think for a minute that's what they were angry about.

What they did happened long before the blog

Don’t act like you live in a fog

I just called you out with the things that I said

Until I did, you didn’t care if I was dead

But thank goodness there were those precious few

Who knew the real me and I knew them too

They listened when I told them what had taken place

They hugged me and loved me, and I cried in their embrace

If not for them, I don’t know where I would be

Because I needed someone to believe me

The victim doesn’t choose how they bleed on the floor

And It blows my mind that you could ignore

Every word, every story, all that happened to me

If I could write fiction this good, I would be

A best-selling author on shelves everywhere

Instead of writing a blog to simply declare

That Tree Town has issues, and it’s not alone

I’ll use my words to make it known

Sometimes I lose focus, sometimes I forget,

But nights like tonight cause me to sit.

And think and pray and want to see change

And keep telling the truth even when it seems strange.

I don’t want to be like you; there, I said it;

I want my eyes wide open and be able to admit

That for years, I bought in, but now I can see

This isn’t the way things are supposed to be

That may sound ugly or prideful, or wrong,

But I couldn’t continue to sing the same song.

Once I saw the truth, I had to get it out, and you know the truth, too,

You’ve read all the things I’ve written about

How long will you stand there and continue to say,

"What she said couldn’t be true. She just had a bad day".

“She’s lying; she’s bitter; she’s unforgiving and in sin”,

Just keep thinking that, but I know that in the end.

Each of you will someday see

That all those things really happened to me.

You’ll see it and know that it’s true

Because someday soon, it will happen to you.

How long will you continue to deny?

How long will you sit back and listen as I cry?

That whether you sit in the church under the missing steeple

Or find yourself in a group of different people

I write this to you in hopes that you’ll work

To understand why I found Life Beyond Church

And when the next person tells you that their heart is hurting

Even when you find it a bit disconcerting

Pay attention, listen, and embrace their broken heart

Because what if you’re missing the most important part

God sent His Son to die for the lost

And how many more have you laughed at and tossed

Out of your church and out the front door

Hear me when I tell you there are more

So today, as I publish this 100th post

I can tell you this blog has been one of the most

Painful things I’ve ever done

But on this side of things, I feel that I’ve won

Because getting it out has helped me to heal

From all the things the church tried to steal

Away from me and my family too

But in the end, it isn’t up to you

My story is mine, my hurt, and my pain

And in many ways, I’ll never be the same

But I’m glad that God showed me the true colors of people

And removed me from the church with the missing steeple

But when we walked away after years of service

I must admit that I was slightly nervous

How would I tell them? What would I say?

When they realized that we were walking away

They didn’t want to know what happened, so they didn’t ask

That way, they could continue to bask

Under the rainbows and sunshine, instead of admitting all the evil

That happens all the time underneath the missing steeple

The secretary had a stroke,

And the music minister could’ve gone broke

But you looked away and didn’t care

Acting all the while like you were unaware

And no one cared to think anything was unjust

Until I said, "Another one bites the dust"

Then people who hadn’t said a word for all those years

Acted like I caused the tears

But I wasn’t talking about their little friend

I was only pointing out what might have been

If she hadn’t had such a terrible boss

She might still be living across

The street where they put all the hired people

Who work underneath the missing steeple

What will you do if she starts a blog?

Telling people that actually the preacher is not like Paul

When he told her that her husband should be like Timothy

Because let me tell you, that slope is kind of slippery

I fear there is a common misconception

The truth is the pastor only cares about his own protection

If you think he really cares about you

I hate to tell you that it is untrue

When it comes down to him or you

Trust me, I know what he will do

Don't forget that this man prides himself on petting people

I'm not sure that kind of thing should even be legal

But even lawyers should know it's true

If he pets your wife, he might pet you too

The man cares for nothing but himself

And saw Tree Town as a place to build his own wealth

The bigger, the better, the brighter it is

The more money that will become his

Making disciples that Make disciples is what he will say

To see lives transformed at the end of the day

But he will dunk them and count them and keep making “goals”

And tell you, it’s all about saving the souls

I ask you now,  how does it make you feel?

That the souls of your children are only a big deal

Because the more numbers he has and the more baptisms he can show

Helps more than the congregation grow

As he baptizes your sons and daughters

And lays them back beneath the water

There's more going on than you'll ever know

There are goals in mind, and his staff members owe

A debt that will be brought up in their evaluation

And it's time that you have a revelation

What he’s doing is making things look good for him

So, in the end, you will give him a raise again

Let’s talk about how this preacher got to Tree Town

Because I will tell you that the committee went around

The normal way that things had been done

And listened as the good doctor told them about his “son”

There were those more qualified that had been selected

But the good doctor was one who had to be respected.

The good doctor, I tell you, he knew

That the pastor's home state would never do

For his chosen protégé’

There wouldn’t be any other way

Than to bring him to this state and get him to stay

What if it’s been the plan from the beginning

To get him here and help him in winning

The attention of the important people

That don’t even go to church under the missing steeple

The people that he’s hoping to impress

Are the ones that he hopes will bring him success

And that way, he can stand on a stage

And find himself turning another page

Tree Town, just wait, and one day, you will see

You’re just a notch in his belt; I can guarantee

He cares more about himself than any church member

And he doesn’t care if he leaves behind burning embers

You have my number. Call me, I give you permission

When you realize I was right and you should have listened

When he takes all the power and takes control

And the whole thing has finally taken its toll

On Tree Town Baptist Church

And people begin to search

For a different place with different people

Far away from the church with the missing steeple

Church wasn’t meant to be what it has become

I’m telling you this because you have become numb

Unable to see what the Bible really teaches

Because you sit in awe as your fake preacher preaches

In your pretty building with your pretty pews,

But I think it’s time that I share this news.

Can you see it? Can you feel it?

To you, has it occurred

That I might not be the only one Finding Life Beyond Church?

You might think I’ve lost it all, but let me tell you what I’ve gained

It’s beginning to feel like it was worth all the pain

My eyes have been opened. I wish yours could be too

Because when you see it, you’ll know it’s true.

When you’ve seen what’s behind the veil.

When you realize this could be the difference between heaven and hell.

When you see God’s love and all of His purpose,

And you know that He wants your devotion and service.

It’s all about Jesus and how we can praise Him,

Bring people to Him, and watch Him change them.

But it doesn’t seem like that’s what you want to do,

Even after I’ve told you the truth

So, return to your church and all its people,

And sit in your pew beneath that missing steeple.

Pretend it never happened and ignore that it did,

But I won’t ever be quiet because I loved your kids.

I worked, and I worked, and I gave, and I gave

And when it was all over, you treated me like your slave

Do you really think I did all that work for me?

I can't believe that you couldn't see

That the hours I gave were for the kids

I kept working even amid

The stress, the exhaustion, and the sickness too

I wanted the kids to know Jesus; surely you knew

I would work to the end, and this you should hear

It wasn't a job to me; it was a calling, simple and clear

But the pastor turned it into so much more

And in the end, it became a chore

To keep him happy so I had to leave

And it has taken me years to grieve

All that I lost, the things I had to let go

But it's important to me that you know

That I genuinely loved each and every child

And always went the extra mile

In the end, it didn't count

Because the pastor was only concerned about the amount

Of baptisms that came his way

So there's not much left except for me to say

Sit there in Tree Town, soak it all up,

But I’ll keep telling the truth; I’ll never shut up.

Why won’t I stop? Because people need to know

It’s time we make the church more than just a show

Abuse, cover-up, gossip, and discrimination

This is what the church has become instead of spreading the news of salvation.

It’s not just a place to go, not just a place to meet.

You may even need to give up your seat

For someone you might even think is beneath you

But you’ve been so arrogant that you have no clue

That you have wolves among your sheep

They roam about though they are discreet

They are on your committees, they are deacons, and some are Sunday School teachers.

They aren’t just sitting back watching from the bleachers

They are active, involved and appear to be good people

But there are predators underneath the missing steeple

They scream, and they lie, they abuse, and they use

Then they show up on Sunday and sit in your pews

And you might never know if you never ask

Because they hide behind a pretty mask

Plotting and scheming, they even handle your money

All while you think things are bright and sunny

Maybe you’re just shiny happy people

Hiding beneath that missing steeple

Turn the other cheek, make sure that you speak

Check all the right boxes, but in the hen house, there are foxes

Open your eyes, look under the hood

And trust me, when you look, it won’t look as good

Because you don’t want to see it, you just want to go

But that’s not how it works, and there are things you should know

Things need to change, and there’s only one way

You must listen to the things God has to say.

Open your eyes, open your heart.

Because I fear that someday God will tear apart

The club that you’ve built under the missing steeple.

And eventually, you’ll be unable to reach any people.

And maybe that's better; I kind of hate to say this,

But the fewer people who go there, the lesser the risk.

Because each one who walks through that door

Will probably get hurt. There's bound to be more

And it’s not just Tree Town; there are thousands of churches

Who ignore the abused, the lost, and the hurting.

God can’t be happy. He can’t be pleased.

What we’ve turned the church into should bring us to our knees.

So as for you, Tree Town, I will continue to use

The things that you’ve done, I will spread the news

Open your eyes, wake up, and see

And if you won’t listen just because it’s me

Then ask someone else and see what you find

I’m not the only one who has a story. Are you blind?

There are things that go on behind those closed doors

And I don’t understand how you continue to ignore

But if that’s the way you want it, if you can’t see the truth about people

Just continue to hide under your missing steeple.

Until Next Time,



  1. Incredible. Truly a beautiful 100th post. Thank you for continuing to be honest through the persecution. #100more

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