It has been a busy week for my family and me. We’ve had a lot of fun things going on… birthdays, hall of fame inductions, visiting friends, dinners, lunches… Unfortunately, I’ve found zero time to write this week between all those fun things.

So, now here I sit on a Monday morning with all kinds of thoughts running through my head, but not enough time to get them all out.

I’m going to give myself some grace. I’m hard on myself even when I have a self-imposed deadline, but today I’m going to let it go.

If you subscribe to my blog and get the email that this is my puny post for the week, I’m genuinely sorry that this is all I have.

I promise the post about the church we are now attending will be complete by next week, so stick with me.

My takeaway and bottom line today is that sometimes you can’t get it all done, and family is more important…

I hope you all have a fantastic week! Slow down, enjoy your family, and give yourself some grace… we can’t do it all.

Until Next Time,

