We have officially entered the busy season on the farm. Where most people vacation and take time off during the summer, this time of year is actually the busiest for us. We usually get more downtime in the winter months.

But this is an exciting season. It’s the time of year when we go to all the Japanese sake events and festivals.
Harrison and I leave for New York first thing in the morning. I’m very much looking forward to going on this trip with my son. I have learned to cherish those kinds of things.

He and I are a lot alike. We travel well together. It’s going to be a good week.

We have several business meetings, but we hope to work in some fun while we are there too.

I’ve caught quite a bit of flack over my stance on alcohol. It is frowned upon in the small community in which I live. The idea that my son and I would be going on a trip to promote any alcoholic beverage causes many in this area to gasp in surprise and extreme judgment.

I even received an email from a former pastor’s wife chastising me for saying in my blog that I think it’s ok for people to drink.

Let me quote her so I don’t spread any untruths…she said, “I can’t image (which I’m assuming she meant imagine) telling someone it’s ok to drink alcohol. There aren’t too many teenagers that can handle that without getting drunk. I would hate to know I influenced someone to do that, and they have a wreck and kill someone.”

I have never encouraged a teenager to drink alcohol. That is illegal. I’m not even sure how she came to that conclusion. It’s wild to me that me having stance that alcohol is something that Christian’s can partake of is immediately turned into me encouraging teenagers to drink and drive.

It boggles my mind that someone will die on the hill of being a teetotaller. And let me be clear… for those who choose to abstain from alcoholic beverages I totally respect that. But, it’s also ok to respect those that do not feel the same way. Having a drink doesn’t make someone an alcoholic.

The Bible teaches that drunkenness is a sin, and I will not argue that point. But it doesn’t teach that drinking alcohol is wrong. It just isn’t in there. I hate to use the overused argument again, but Jesus did turn water into wine.

The Bible does teach that gluttony is a sin. It teaches that adding to or taking away from God’s word is wrong. But they don’t want to harp on those nearly as much.

I’m not sure why alcohol is the one sticking point. Why can’t we teach respect for alcohol and how it can be used in our lives in a good way?

And how obviously having that stance doesn’t mean I think teenagers should drink or that anyone should drink and drive.

I can’t believe that I’m still having to explain myself on this one, but they just keep coming after me so I feel the need to clarify.

So, as I was saying, before I went off on my tangent… Harrison and I will be going to New York City to attend the Joy of Sake, where we will taste and enjoy Japanese sake made from our rice. We will meet with some of the brewers in the area and get to know them better.

My new “job” has allowed me to meet so many new people. And through those meetings, we have shared the love of Jesus, even while sharing an alcoholic drink.

That’s what I’m praying for this week.
I’m praying that Harrison and I will have a wonderful time together. I know that as he gets older, having opportunities to go on trips just the two of us will not present themselves as often.

I’m praying that God brings people into our paths that He wants us to share with.

I’m praying we can help make a difference in someone’s life. Even as we share (gasp) sake.

Until Next Time,