90. Miracles

90. Miracles

I’ve spent many posts talking about the hurt that church has caused in my life, and maybe I haven’t been as good about sharing some…

88. Mother’s Day

88. Mother’s Day

Wow! It has been a whirlwind week around here. Graduations, Mother’s Day and lots of business in between. Although it has been a great week,…

87. Stranger Than Fiction

87. Stranger Than Fiction

But that morning, she began to tell me everything. There were stories of sexual discrimination, of a boss who made sure she was always on call, of mismanaged funds, of unfair and unethical termination of other employees, and deep racism within the company.

86. Happy

86. Happy

I loaded up our side-by-side ATV Saturday evening with our 3 outside dogs. The weather was beautiful, the sun was setting… I took a moment…

85. Kids

85. Kids

I always knew I wanted to be a mom. Jeremy and I were married in December of 1996. We knew that we wanted to wait…

84. Pretty Boy

84. Pretty Boy

When I was growing up, my Aunt Marie had a parrot. He was the quintessential parrot. He had a green body, red and yellow on his head, and just a touch of the prettiest violet color I’d ever seen.
His name was Pretty Boy.

82. Tornado

82. Tornado

May 10, 2008… A day that we won’t ever forget… The very night before, we hosted a youth lock-in at the church. This was a…