101. Drive Through

101. Drive Through

I drove through Tree Town today. It’s such a strange feeling. It might be different if we had moved away, but we didn’t. We still…

99. Beach House

We’ve had an incredible week. This could very easily be my favorite week of the entire year. The beach has quickly become my favorite destination.…

94. Miracles (Part 3)

94. Miracles (Part 3)

It’s been a while! First, Harrison and I went to New York. A crazy storm last Sunday evening left us without electricity for the majority…

93. Recovering

93. Recovering

Harrison and I had a wonderful week in New York. We walked an average of 12 miles per day. We saw all the things, ate…

88. Mother’s Day

88. Mother’s Day

Wow! It has been a whirlwind week around here. Graduations, Mother’s Day and lots of business in between. Although it has been a great week,…

84. Pretty Boy

84. Pretty Boy

When I was growing up, my Aunt Marie had a parrot. He was the quintessential parrot. He had a green body, red and yellow on his head, and just a touch of the prettiest violet color I’d ever seen.
His name was Pretty Boy.

78. Busy Week

78. Busy Week

It has been a busy week for my family and me. We’ve had a lot of fun things going on… birthdays, hall of fame inductions,…

70. Fu Man Chu

70. Fu Man Chu

This week I celebrated my 45th birthday. Growing up, my parents always made a big deal out of our birthdays. So, I grew up celebrating…

68. The Lord’s Day

68. The Lord’s Day

The Lord’s Day… which day would that be? He created all seven days, so technically, they are all His. Any Christian would probably quickly say…

66. Talladega Nights

66. Talladega Nights

Jeremy and I have been on a road trip today, and driving long distances seems to breed creative conversation and thinking. Since the technology of…